Sunday, August 5, 2012

Year 2 Day 131

Today is Sunday, August 5th and we're happy to be back in the good old USA!  We spent 2 days in Blind River, Ontario due to the weather (high winds) and we're stuck here in DeTour, Michigan for the same reason.  Blind River was a depressing, dying little town with nothing there.  We did manage to find a pretty decent restaurant and the six of us (we've been cruising with two other boats) called a cab and had a nice dinner.  The only negative was the fact that there was only one waitress and it was her first day there!  Considering everything, she did a pretty good job.

We left Friday morning and it was about a 6 hour cruise here where we had to call and clear customs.

The first thing we saw when entering
United States waters!  Yea!!

The water here in DeTour is really beautiful - blue/green like the Caribbean and see-through.  I wish my photos would do it justice.

Beautiful water

Whitecaps on the water today

Yesterday we rode bikes into town and visited the botanical garden, local library, gift shop, farmers market and the Presbyterian Church which was having a craft show and salad lunch.  We ate lunch there which consisted of many salads and was great.  Mike went to church last night and went with me again this morning.  The church had a lunch after services so we went again and had left over salads and they were still great.  We spent a lot of time talking with an older woman who offered us produce from her garden which we're eating tonight with dinner.

Tomorrow we leave for Mackinac Island for 3 days and I'm really looking forward to that as I've wanted to visit there since seeing the Christopher Reeve movie in the eighties - "Somewhere in Time".  We checked into staying one night at the Grand Hotel but it was $655 so we decided to stay aboard the boat.   Hopefully the weather cooperate with us as it's a 5 hour cruise in open water.

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