Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 366 Gloucester Point

Today is Monday, March 26th, one year to the day since we left Rockport, Tx and began the trip of a lifetime.  It's been quite an adventure so far and I hear the best is yet to come.

Unfortunately we may have some engine problems and will know the diagnosis either tomorrow or Wednesday.  When Mike started to change the engine oil, he said the oil was milky white which indicated the presence of water in the oil.  After consulting the boat yard here in the marina, the oil cooler has been removed and we are PRAYING that will be the problem.  If not, we may have bigger problems.  Mike is also replacing all 6 batteries ($$$$).  As my daughter said, this boat is a money pit.

The weather warms up then cools down.  It's expected to be in the mid 30's tonight.  However, spring has sprung according to all the GORGEOUS trees and shrubs here in Virginia.  I thought it was beautiful in the fall, but this is spectacular.

We're getting itchy feet to begin cruising again but won't go until everything is ready here on the boat.  Also, we need to get the car back to San Antonio and might end up driving it back ourselves.  After leaving here, we're thinking about going up the Chesapeake Bay visiting towns on the western shore as well as some on the eastern shore winding up in Baltimore where we'll leave the boat and fly to Norfolk for the spring rendezvous of America's Great Loop Cruisers Association May 7-10.

We've been studying charts and guidebooks and especially those pertaining to Canada and hope to learn what we need to know at the rendezvous.  There are rules about what you can and cannot take into the country and you need to purchase a canal pass before entering.  We had a dinner last Friday night here at the marina for 4 couples doing the Great Loop and it was very fun and informing.

Hopefully the next post will say that we have had good news from the boat yard!!

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